Thursday, February 7, 2008

Romney drops out. Expected to change mind in 2 days

Well folks the political process has sure became alot clearer on the Right side of things since I've been gone. Away with my boy Tancredo. Away with Thompson. Away with Rudy. and now away with Mitt.

Huckabee will be soon to follow since he has been running for Vice President all along. Paul will probably running as 4th party candidate after Bloomberg, so expect some more money bombs to go off for him.

So it looks like its going to be Mr. Straight Talk himself John McCain, as the next Republican nominee. I hear Mayflower Moving and Storage will be relocating to Mexico just to get a jump on business since border hopping is about to pick up no matter if Mac or Obamaillary get elected.

McCain will be 72 years old by the time inauguration rolls around. Being elected President was the 8th item on his bucket list. Even his 92 year old mother thinks McCain is old as hell. Don Rickles will probably be the main entertainment at the convention. It came down to him or Garrison Keillor.

But its going to be a fun race. Seems like the Democrats will never decide a winner. Obama and Billary are neck and neck. However, Obama does have a huge fund raising edge. Hillary even had to ask Mitt Romney for money, it got so bad.

How about that Super Bowl, huh?

I'd like to introduce you to our newest Throne contributor: Mr Bill Belichick. He is going to be writing the final paragraph for us.

Well it was a tough game. They made plays. We didn't. Hopefully next year..........................

Hey, what the hell Bill? You can't just walk off the blog before the paragraph is over! Show a little class. I guess I'll have to wrap it up myself. Its a pleasure to be back y'all. feel free to comment to your heart's content.

Theres only one Lord Elevation's Throne.


Anonymous said...

You are brilliant man and your opinion is important to the world!

Sincerely, Elevation

Anonymous said...

Welcome back, this blog makes me appreciate the great journalism of the Baltimore Sun even more.

Anonymous said...

not sure if your blog or the rotten meat i ate is what is making me sick

Lord Elevation said...

Glad that my usual fan is here.

Anonymous said...

damnit honey, you swore you ended this thing so you could focus on our marriage...

Anonymous said...

Damn El, you know you couldnt get a mrs. El, dont lie to us.

Welcome back bud.

Anonymous said...

McCain & Romney are getting along. Mitt could be the VP on the GOP ticket. Mediocre at best, but better than the Dims.

I can't refer to elevation as Lord.

International comments are at my Irish Fury blog which elev has kindly linked on the front page.