Thursday, February 28, 2008
Its all about the Game and how you play it.
Hello y'all. Its an alright time in sports. NASCAR is back. The NBA and NCAA hoops seasons are starting to heat up. Spring Training is beginning and of course Roger Clemens is being investigated by the government for perjury.
Yes, this is the same Federal government that is dealing with sky rocketing gas prices, a war on terror, and a coming recession. You go FBI! You nail that 45 year old ex-pitcher and his moron trainer. You're making America safer.
Clearly however, the most important sports event in America is fast approaching. No not the Superbowl, March Madness, or the World Series. Nope I'm talking about the Grandaddy of them all WrestleMania!
Thats right folks, its going to be huge, and unlike the Orioles this year, you don't know whats going to happen. Michaels-Flair, Undertaker-Edge, Cena, Triple H, and Orton in a three way dance. And for the celebrity involvement, Floyd "Money" Mayweather taking on The Big Show.
Thats right the 5-5 145 pound Mayweather will be taking on the 7-0 360 pound Big Show. Hell I'd take on a giant to in order to get paid 20 million. He better start juicing now.
Its going to be at the Citrus Bowl in Orlando with 80,000 people in attendance. The cheers will be louder, the pyro bigger, and the juice syringes bigger.
Best of all, Roger Clemens and Brian McNamee will be having an amnesty on a pole match.
Well thats all I have for now. I'll stop dreaming and look at real sports for the next few posts.
Hmm guys fighting or watching the Orioles lose 95 games. Thats a real tough choice.
Friday, February 8, 2008
Congress dealing with clearly the most important issue facing the county.
For the 68th straight day Roger Clemens and his arch nemesis Reality, I mean Brian McNamee continued on their horse and pony show through Congress. Can anyone explain to me why Congress had to step in and completely rehash the whole steroids issue? I thought that was done back when Raffy and the gang were before Congress. People got yelled at. Changes were made. The issue was solved.
Now we have this? A 68 year old pitcher running around government buildings trying to reverse what his former hired help is saying about him? This isn't advancing the cause of getting rid of performance enhancing drugs. All this is doing is wasting tax payer's money and the time of Congressmen who should be trying to figure out how to secure our borders and keep the dollar from becoming worthless, not worrying about if a former player used drugs 8 years ago. Clemens went from a fat guy with three chins by the end of his Boston career to looking like Brock Lesnar overnight with Toronto. "Gee, I wonder how that happened?" Everyone was doing it then. Its time to close the door on that era and stop opening it up.
This stupid, irrelevant steroid investigation is taking longer to finish then the Erik Bedard trade.
That thing has been going on since the Reagan administration. Bedard will be as old as Clemens by the time he ever actually throws a pitch for the Mariners. I can't wait for the baseball games to actually begin. I miss my Frank TV ads.
Take it easy everyone. Remember, if someone wants to inject, you must reject.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Romney drops out. Expected to change mind in 2 days
Well folks the political process has sure became alot clearer on the Right side of things since I've been gone. Away with my boy Tancredo. Away with Thompson. Away with Rudy. and now away with Mitt.
Huckabee will be soon to follow since he has been running for Vice President all along. Paul will probably running as 4th party candidate after Bloomberg, so expect some more money bombs to go off for him.
So it looks like its going to be Mr. Straight Talk himself John McCain, as the next Republican nominee. I hear Mayflower Moving and Storage will be relocating to Mexico just to get a jump on business since border hopping is about to pick up no matter if Mac or Obamaillary get elected.
McCain will be 72 years old by the time inauguration rolls around. Being elected President was the 8th item on his bucket list. Even his 92 year old mother thinks McCain is old as hell. Don Rickles will probably be the main entertainment at the convention. It came down to him or Garrison Keillor.
But its going to be a fun race. Seems like the Democrats will never decide a winner. Obama and Billary are neck and neck. However, Obama does have a huge fund raising edge. Hillary even had to ask Mitt Romney for money, it got so bad.
How about that Super Bowl, huh?
I'd like to introduce you to our newest Throne contributor: Mr Bill Belichick. He is going to be writing the final paragraph for us.
Well it was a tough game. They made plays. We didn't. Hopefully next year..........................
Hey, what the hell Bill? You can't just walk off the blog before the paragraph is over! Show a little class. I guess I'll have to wrap it up myself. Its a pleasure to be back y'all. feel free to comment to your heart's content.
Theres only one Lord Elevation's Throne.
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